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The strength of the scan to bim facing the coronavirus actuality

The strength of the scan to bim facing the coronavirus

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The strength of the scan to bim facing the coronavirus

The year 2020 challenges the whole world in all sectors of activity, notably since the appearance of the COVVI-19 virus.

The year 2020 challenges the whole world in all sectors of activity, especially since the appearance of the COVVI-19 virus.

Health workers are overwhelmed and go from many hours taking care of the sick population. In this context, it is essential to rely on the construction and development of health systems but also to be able to ensure good medical equipment.

BIM and trades adding value to the sector of the construction are essential in a health situation like the one we are currently experiencing. They are useful in order to reduce costs, speed up the building construction process and offer better quality projects thanks to real -time collaboration and visualization. Architects can thus communicate more easily with trades such as structure, mechanics, electricity and plumbing in order to shorten design times and increase results.

The staff of Health can thanks to advanced technologies, visualize in a digital environment the structure and arrangement of installations in hospitals. All patient protection systems, accessibility to medical devices and staff organization are issues that can be reflected upstream of construction.

The concept of BIM information promotes coordination between The actors of design, construction and medical staff by connecting data and centralizing it on collaborative platforms that help preparing medical operations.

The requirements of health standards are evaluable and influence the design of the building and the layout of medical installations. The added value of technology is to be able to anticipate constraints and establish a project that respects them. Global health expenses continue to increase by 5% until 2023 and the need to build sustainable and effective establishments is essential to prepare for any future incident.

the current health situation as well as the periods of confinement have changed the working methods of AEC companies. Indeed, travel being reduced and physical contact being not recommended or even prohibited, communication and collaboration between workers on site and office staff had to evolve. Collaborative platforms such as ANTIS.Cloud play an essential role in ensuring the balance and stability of the sector. The stakeholders of a construction or renovation project are invited to work together by organizing virtual reality meetings for example. They can evolve around clouds of points or 3D models by sharing information in real time concerning their project and by distributing the tasks to be carried out to optimize the progress of the work.

This sanitary era is a Opportunity for developing Davantages of solutions to issues that have slowed down certain developments in fields of activity. It is a question of being able to optimize the use of technological tools which are made available to companies in order to expand the ranges of possibilities and to take advantage of the advanced features to develop.

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